
二十世紀設計經典傑作 :: Side Chair 420C

[ #10 | Side Chair 420C ]

1952. Model No. 420C.
Designed by Harry Bertoia

Welded steel rod structure coated with white powder.
Textile-cover cushion.
Height 73 cm. Width 53 cm. Depth 43 cm. Seat Height 43 cm.

20th Century Masterpieces : : Side Chair 420C by Harry Bertoia, 1952
“Side Chiar420C” ^ Copyright © Alan TF So


Harry Bertoia (1915-1978) 生於意大利,是著名雕塑家,後期轉型專注聽覺藝術 (Sound Art)。十五歲那年,毅然選擇到美國底特律,找兄長 Oreste,與他生活。先後於當地就讀 Cass Technical High School 及 Art School of the Detroit Society of Arts and Crafts,主修手作手飾工藝。命運使然,獲獎 Cranbrook Academy of Art 的獎學金,遇上他的伯樂及創作伙伴,有 Walter Gropius、Edmund N. Bacon、Charles Eames、Bernice Alexandra Kaiser 及 Florence Knoll。

Bertoia 的專長是金屬工藝,在 Cranbrook Academy of Art 教授手飾設計及金工。正直二戰時期,金屬供應缺乏,只好埋首小型的手飾設計,更替 Ray & Charles Eames 和 Ruth & Edmund Bacon 設計製作結婚戒指。1943年,Eames 倆極力拉攏 Harry Bertoia 到加州一起打拼;1946年,因不受重視合作關係,離 The Eameses 而去。1950年,再次被另一對夫婦 Hans & Florence Knoll 力邀,到賓夕凡利亞替他們設計傢具。

“In sculpture I am primarily interested in relationship between form and space and the characteristics of the metal. In chairs many functional problems have to be solved first… but basically chairs are also studies in space, form and metal. On close inspection it becomes clear that they are mostly made up of air… Space flows right through them.” – Harry Bertoia
20th Century Masterpieces : : Chairs by Harry Bertoia
^ Copyright © harrybertoia.org

 Bertoia 一直專注金屬工藝,與 The Eameses 合作無間。離開 The Eameses 後,繼續設計他喜好的金屬網狀椅子。由於未能研發量產技術,只是單獨手製樣板。當時,他是採用兩條與其他金屬條支一樣粗幼的條支,夾著金屬網坐椅主體而作為收邊。但這項設計已經被 The Eames 成功註冊專利權,對薄公堂下,Ray & Charles Eames 獲勝。他唯有改動原設計,用一支較粗的金屬條支在後下方焊接收邊。

Bertoia 採用這樣的收邊,設計投產了一系列五張網狀椅子,被 Knoll 定為“Bertoia Collection”的收藏家系列,包括這張 Side Chair 420C、「鑽石椅」(Diamond Chair) 及「鳥兒休閒椅」(Bird Lounge Chair)。





Drezier Communication is an edgy yet savvy branding and design studio in Hong Kong.
原文刊於 blog.drezier.com
Original published in blog.drezier.com

Drezier Communications 是一所香港品牌設計斗室,投緣「整體品牌建構」與 新新傳播藝術。
Drezier Communications is an edgy yet savvy branding and design studio in Hong Kong.

