
Research In Progress for Creative Project

In a latest study, a new evolutionary theory suggests that disability and deformities may have played a crucial role in the development of our species. So, we are already in a certain sense a disabled species.


二十世紀設計經典傑作 :: Side Chair 420C

[ #10 | Side Chair 420C ]

1952. Model No. 420C.
Designed by Harry Bertoia

Welded steel rod structure coated with white powder.
Textile-cover cushion.
Height 73 cm. Width 53 cm. Depth 43 cm. Seat Height 43 cm.

20th Century Masterpieces : : Side Chair 420C by Harry Bertoia, 1952
“Side Chiar420C” ^ Copyright © Alan TF So


Harry Bertoia (1915-1978) 生於意大利,是著名雕塑家,後期轉型專注聽覺藝術 (Sound Art)。十五歲那年,毅然選擇到美國底特律,找兄長 Oreste,與他生活。先後於當地就讀 Cass Technical High School 及 Art School of the Detroit Society of Arts and Crafts,主修手作手飾工藝。命運使然,獲獎 Cranbrook Academy of Art 的獎學金,遇上他的伯樂及創作伙伴,有 Walter Gropius、Edmund N. Bacon、Charles Eames、Bernice Alexandra Kaiser 及 Florence Knoll。


二十世紀設計經典傑作 :: Wire Chair DKR

[ #09 | Wire Chair DKR ]

1951. Designed by Charles & Ray Eames.
D-Dining. K-Wire Mesh. R-Rod Iron Base.

Welded steel wire body with cushion.
“Eiffel Tower” lower framework in steel wire and four tubular steel legs.
Height 84 cm. Width 50 cm. Depth 53 cm. Seat Height 42 cm.

20th Century Masterpieces : : Wire Chair DKR by Charles & Ray Eames, 1951
“Wire Chair DKR” ^ Copyright © Alan TF So

Charles 及 Ray Eames 設計及量產的傢具,生產商 Herman Miller 一直以來以為只屬 Charles 的作品,所有銷售目錄的 credit 只給了 Charles。後來,傢具生產及銷售商 Herman Miller 才了解,沒有了 Ray 的功勞,也沒有1941年以後的 Charles Eames 的設計面世。所以,今天世人均會說明那些傢具設計,是 Charles 及 Ray Eames,又或直接稱 The Eameses。


二十世紀設計經典傑作 :: La Chaise Lounge Chair

[ #08 | Chaise Longue “La Chaise” ]

1948. Designed by Charles & Ray Eames

Seat consisting of two fibreglass form glued together and painted white.
Chromed tubular steel base. Crossed oak legs.
Height 83 cm. Width 150 cm. Depth 87 cm. Seat Height 49 cm.

20th Century Masterpieces : : La Chaise Lounge Chair by Charles & Ray Eames, 1948
“La Chaise” ^ Copyright © Alan TF So

Ray Eames (1912-1988) 原名 Bernice “Ray” Alexandra Kaiser,極受父母影響,從幼接觸大自然,包括住在加利福尼亞州薩克拉門托城外平房、玩自製玩具等,從中享自然優遊的高尚價值。高中畢業後,師承抽象表現畫家 Hans Hofmann,並於1936年創立美國抽象學藝術家群組(該組織亦運行至今)。


二十世紀設計經典傑作 :: DCW Chair

[ #07 | Chair ”DCW” ]

1945. DCW–Dining Chair Wood.
Designed by Charles & Ray Eames

Curved laminated structure in natural ash.
Height 72 cm. Width 49 cm. Depth 55 cm. Seat Height 40 cm.

20th Century Masterpieces : : DCW Chair by Charles and Ray Eames, 1945
“DCW Chair” ^ Copyright © Alan TF So

Charles Eames(1907-1978)全名 Charles Ormond Eames, Jr,於1941年娶第二任妻子 Bernice Alexandra “Ray” Kaiser(1912-1988),成為極有成就的美國設計二人組合,直至彼此老死亦沒分離。


二十世紀設計經典傑作 :: Lounge Chair 654W

[ #06 | Lounge Chair 654W ]

1941. Designed by Jens Risom

Cherry wood structure. Canvas webbing.
Height 77 cm. Width 60 cm. Depth 70 cm. Seat Height 40 cm.
20th Century Masterpieces : : Lounge Chair 654W by Jens Risom, 1941
“Lounge Chair 654W” ^ Copyright © Alan TF So

Jens Risom (1916- ) 丹麥出生,父親為建築師 Sven Risom,當中你會發現,傑出的設計師或建築師們,多受上一輩影響極深。Jens Risom 於哥本哈根工業藝術及設計學院攻讀設計,及後再進修兩年商科,才正式當上設計師。他多番轉職不同設計單位,有建築事務所,有大型百貨公司附屬設計部。已略有名氣白的他,毅然入籍美國發展,於1939年隻身前往紐約。


二十世紀設計經典傑作 :: High Back Chair 66

[ #05 | High Back Chair 65 ]

1935. Designed by Alvar Aalto

Natural lacquered solid birch seat with bent plywood seat back and legs.
Height 78 cm. Width 39 cm. Depth 42 cm. Seat Height 44 cm.

20th Century Masterpieces : : High Back Chair 66 by Alvar Aalto, 1935
“High Back Chair 66” ^ Copyright © Alan TF So

Alvar Aalto (1898-1976) 的全名為 Hugo Alvar Henrik Aalto,生於芬蘭,是名「全能」建築師,也是「現代主義之父」。與多數著名建築師一樣,不同時期隨著觀點不同,而隨著創作風格有異。不過,他只日是迴游於現代主義之間,最終都篤信有機形態的現代主義,並且使用自然材料,確立人為本的最終現代主義的精神面貌。